Steps to becoming a NAPS Officer
The Nishnawbe Aski Police Service is currently accepting applications for the position of Police Constable. It is important throughout the process to have all documents completed in full.

Interested candidates can complete an online application here:
Panel Interview, Psychological Testing
Selected candidates are invited to attend our 2 day evaluation process consisting of a panel interview, psychological, and fitness testing. Candidates will also have a uniform fitting. This is not a guarantee of success in our hiring process, but is done due to the unique logistical requirements of our organization.
Fitness Testing
Successfully complete The Ontario Police Fitness Award Test, and obtain a level 7 on the 20 Meter Shuttle Run.
Successful Candidates
Successful candidates are notified and given an offer of employment that is conditional upon the successful completion of the the Basic Constable Training Course at the Ontario Police College.
These candidates must submit a medical release signed by a doctor attesting that they are healthy enough to attend the Ontario Police College and participate in all physical activities.
If you’re ready to become a NAPS officer and meet all our qualifications and requirements, APPLY NOW!