NAPS Ride Along

To make arrangements for a ride along, please use the detachment telephone list to contact the Sergeant for the detachment you wish to ride along with.  This is an opportunity for an applicant to gain perspective on how our officers travel in and out of the communities and also get introduced to NAN community members. At your own expense, you may fly in a remote northern community and complete a ride along. Arrangements for lodging and meals would also be made by the applicant.

The New OACP Certificate Process

Start Your OACP Certificate Process!

A qualification for The Nishnawbe Aski Police Service is to obtain an OACP Certificate. The previous process was to obtain a Certificate of Results (COR), from Applicant Testing Services. The new process is the official OACP Entry Level Police Testing website with the complete certificate requirements available online for your convenience.

You can start by going to the “Become a Police Officer” page and read the requirements outlined throughout the different sections.

Once you feel you are ready to start your journey, continue to the “Start Your Career” Page to start your OACP Certificate process.

For those who have obtained the OACP Certificate prior to January 1st, 2020, please ensure you click the “OACP Certificate Equivalency Guide” button to understand what is required from you. If you are ready to proceed, please click the “Obtain your Equivalency” button to proceed with your OACP Certificate process.

Fitness Training – Preparing for the PREP

The Ontario Police College graduation requirement for fitness is to pass the PREP – Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police.  The PREP was developed over a two-year period by experts in the areas of policing, fitness and equality rights to ensure it is an unbiased and valid occupational requirement for policing.  It is based on a comprehensive scientific process and identifies those individuals who possess the physical capabilities needed to meet the rigorous demands of policing.

There are three separate components to the PREP:  a screening component to ensure your medical readiness and two performance components to assess your physical capability (the Pursuit/Restraint Circuit and the Aerobic Shuttle Run).   The performance components that must be met in order to pass the fitness testing at the police college is as follows.  Recruits at the police college will be tested around the first 5 weeks so it is important to have a grasp on your fitness prior to applying for a constable position.

Pursuit/Restraint Circuit`               Must be completed in 2:37 or less

Shuttle Run                                         Must reach level 7 or greater

Pre-Exercise Clearance and Consent

Before beginning any new fitness program, download and complete one or both of the following two forms: 2018 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+) and the Physical Activity Readiness Medical Examination (ePARmed-X+).

Police Fitness Pin (PIN Test)

At the interview stage, a required qualification for the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service is to pass a fitness test called the PIN Test. The Ontario Police Fitness Award (OPFA) is a provincial incentive program developed to motivate Ontario police officers and police service employees to remain physically fit throughout their entire careers. The policing services division of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Ontario Chiefs of Police sanctions the OPFA program. The OPFA program is designed and implemented by the Police Fitness Personnel of Ontario (PFPO). NAPS uses the 20 Meter Shuttle Run for the aerobic fitness portion of the PIN test and applicants are expected to achieve a level 7.

Please check out the attached link to learn about the fitness testing. Also, NAPS tests aerobic fitness by the Shuttle Run, not the 2.4 km run.

Driver’s Licence / Police Records Check


Applicants from Quebec must possess a driver’s licence that allows you to drive passenger cars and trucks with 2 axles, and submit a Driving Record Request dated within 30 days of the application date, along with a recent Police Record Check, including a Vulnerable Sector Check, from the police service(s) where you have resided within the past 5 years.


Applicants from Manitoba must possess a Valid Class 5 Driver’s License (Full) and submit a Manitoba Driver Abstract dated within 30 days of the application date, along with a recent Police Record Check, including a Vulnerable Sector Check, from the police service(s) where you have resided within the past 5 years.


Having a valid, Ontario Class ‘G’ Driver’s Licence is a requirement to apply for a constable position with NAPS.  You are not required to submit a driver’s abstract.

Applicants who are residents of Thunder Bay (or have resided in Thunder Bay within the previous 5 years at time of application):

Upon receipt of an application, NAPS will provide the applicant with a letter to obtain a Level 3 Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC) from the Thunder Bay Police Service.