WE will accept applications from people meeting the following requirements. You MUST HAVE all of the following requirements before you can apply:
You must be 19 years of age or older
You must be a Citizen of Canada or a Permanent Resident
You must have a completed Grade 12 education diploma or equivalency
You must have no criminal record
For which a pardon has not been received or an absolute/conditional discharge that has not been sealed.
For information about obtaining a “pardon” (record suspension) visit the Parole Board of Canada website.
You must have an up-to-date First Aid/CPR certificate
You must have a valid Class G driver's License or Equivalent From Province of Issue
No restrictions (NAPS requires a colour photocopy prior to hiring).
Visit the Ontario Ministry of Transportation for details how to obtain your Class G driver’s license
Release Form & Consent Release Form
You must print, fill out, sign, scan and send the Release Form as well as the OCSS Consent & Release form after you have submitted your application online!
These forms can be downloaded by clicking the links below!
Did you check these seven requirements? If so please review our Candidate Preparation list below before applying to become a N.A.P.S Officer.
Candidate Preparation List
Before you submit an application, please read, review & be able to present knowledge on the topics listed.
The Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Directory provides information on the names of the NAN communities.
Most of these communities have websites and you are encouraged to call or visit the communities or their websites to learn more about the people that we serve and protect.
Prepare for your Fitness Testing prior to applying! Practice by completing the Ontario PIN fitness testing running the Shuttle Run, Pushups, Core Endurance and Sit and Reach.
This will ensure you are physically capable of passing the fitness testing!
In preparation for your interview, search online resources to familiarize yourself with Essential Competency Interview (ECI) questions and how to properly respond to them.
Other Resources